I recently watched a re-run of the movie,
13 Going On 30, which stars
Jennifer Garner on
HBO and it made me think about how real it can be to have and keep feelings you have for someone you met when you were 13 years old. I'm trying to recall what I was like when I was thirteen. Was I thinking about boys back then?
Hmmm.. Oh, sure I had crushes but I was more like
one of the boys than anything else. That's probably why I had my first boyfriend when I was nineteen and my first kiss, twenty.
Hahaha.Going back, I really am interested to know if it's really possible, meeting and keeping the man you are destined to marry, at an early age of thirteen til your thirty. Come to think of it, it's really sweet.
Imagine, your guy-friend turned bestfriend then boyfriend, finally becomes your husband. If my math's right, you'd have known each other for
17 years, more than half your lives by the time you guys get married!
Dear me. That's info overload, don't you think?
One part of the movie that I liked was when
Jenna (Jennifer Garner) had a talk with her mom over breakfast about wanting to change a past to correct a mistake and whether her mom would take an opportunity to do such a thing if it's presented to her.
Her mom simply answered "No" then supported it with the reason that if she did try to change anything from her past, it will fail to give her the opportunity to make things better after learning from the mistakes she has made in the past.
Having made that point, it's funny how they still ended up giving Jenna a chance to change hers, thus, marrying her childhood sweetheart.
Oh, well. Who doesn't enjoy a happy ending, anyway?
If only life works out the way it does in the movies.